
Questions? Recipe suggestions? Stories to tell? Send it all my way.

2 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Hello, I had a question about your chocolate torte (amazing!). The recipe calls for 1\4 of GF flour in the actual cake, but the GF flour recipe is much more than that. Why make more GF flour than what the recipe calls for? Thanks!

    • Hello! Thanks so much for your question. I included the full GF Flour Mix recipe since it’s one of my standard mixes and used in the majority of my baking recipes – for that reason, I prefer to make a full batch so it’s ready to go whenever I bake.

      But you can certainly reduce the mix if you only want the small quantity necessary for the torte. Here are the amounts you can use instead (equal to ~1/4 cup):

      2 Tbsp + 2 tsp brown rice flour
      1 Tbsp potato starch
      1.5 tsp tapioca starch

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