Lemon Blueberry Scones

Sun’s up, scones out! Summertime is officially here, which means dining al fresco, barbecuing out back, picnicking in parks, and – if you want to be extra fancy – a little tea-timing on the lawn. Just consider: a lush backyard, blue sky, ice tea, and these lemon blueberry beauts. At least, that was my summertime […]

Almond Blueberry Muffins

All hail the autumn season!  Perhaps it’s my Seattleite nature that makes me crave the crisp outdoor air and snuggle-worthy weather.  Or maybe it’s my foodie personality that draws me to the season of apples and pumpkins and the greatest food holiday, Thanksgiving.  Whatever it may be, my soul always becomes infinitely happier when autumn […]

Blueberry Lemon Cake

It is now officially summer! We have survived the dreary winter days and stormy spring nights; so now it is time to celebrate the long-awaited sun. In the South, the warm summer weather has already provided us with one of its most wonderful seasonal treats: the blueberry. So let’s celebrate the sweet gift of the […]

Honey Ricotta Cheesecake with Blackberry

I have a new baking project. And it’s a big one. This past semester I was given the very fortunate opportunity of being introduced to Susan Sink, the owner of Tarheel Foodie. Tarheel Foodie is a small business in Raleigh, NC that produces exceptional sustainable food items using all local, seasonal ingredients. Seasonally-developed products such as […]